Want to buy a Gainsborough Greens gift voucher?
Looking for a great gift idea. Why not get a gift voucher that can be conveniently purchased online and emailed straight to your friends and loved ones.
Gift Vouchers which are available at Gainsborough Greens Golf Course:
$50 Proshop or Food Beverage Voucher
$75 Proshop or Food Beverage Voucher
$100 Proshop or Food Beverage Voucher
$150 Proshop or Food Beverage Voucher
$200 Proshop or Food Beverage Voucher
$195 GG Golf Pass (valid for 1 year from date of purchase)
Proshop vouchers can be utilised for golf bookings or Proshop retail shop.
Click any of the above images to select the voucher value of your choice.
GG Golf Pass Includes:
- 4 free rounds of golf including cart (can only be redeemed at Gainsborough Greens Golf Club)
- $45 - 7 days (18 Holes + cart) at Gainsborough Greens
- $49 - 7 days (18 Holes + cart) at Palm Meadows
Please issue voucher to Proshop and you will receive your GG Golf Pass.
(We have Members only competitions which run every Saturday, therefore you won’t be able to utilise your GG Pass until after 3pm on Saturdays)
Please call Gainborough Greens Golf Proshop for further details on 07 5546 6003.
Please click Buy Now to purchase.
Contact us on 07 5546 6003 with any further questions.